聖洗聖事 What is Baptism?

聖洗是整個基督徒生命的基礎, 進入在聖神內生活之門 (vitae spiritualis ianua),以及通往其他聖事的大門。藉著聖洗,我們從罪惡中獲得解放,重生為天主的子女,成為基督的肢體,加入教會,並分擔她的使命:「聖洗是在聖言中,藉著水而重生的聖事」。 (- 天主教教理 卷二 第二部分 第一章 第一條 聖洗聖事 1213)

There are three sacraments that are the foundation of Christian life. These sacraments are: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. They are given in this order to bring about the full initiation of the new Christian life. These three sacraments together are called the Sacraments of Initiation.

Holy Baptism is the first step to becoming a member of Christ and the Church. It is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission…” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1213). We receive new life through baptism, washing away original sin and personal sins. This is represented by pouring of water over the head by a priest. The newly baptized receives grace and sealed with a permanent spiritual mark. Therefore, baptism can only be celebrated once.

Baptisms at SJCCM

嬰孩領洗 Baby Baptism: 七歲以下之嬰幼兒 New Born ~ 6 Years Old

日期 Date:   每年兩次 Twice Per Year
復活節  及 聖家節 (即聖誕節之後的第一個主日)  (Easter Sunday and Holy Family Sunday),
時間 Time: 主日下午三點彌撒 於 神父講道之後 (During 3PM Sunday Mass after Homily)
報名 Registration:
請提早三週前,呈交完整報名資料 (Please Submit Application package 3 weeks prior to the Date.)
報名資料 Application package:

  1. 申請表 Baptism Application Form
  2. 出生證 Birth Certificate (Original – will be returned and Copied)

講習 Parent Workshop:
An information session for priest to introduce Parents and God-Parents
the meaning of the Holy Sacrament of Baptism and the Baptism Process.
The date of workshop will be one week prior to the Baptism.
You will be notified after submit your application package.
聯繫人 Contact Person: 周守華 Lucy Chou – 408-517-0880
周守華 CHOU, Lucy


兒童領洗 Children Baptism: 七歲至十七歲青少年 7 ~ 17 Years Old

報名 Registration: 通過註冊聖心學校教理班參加兒童慕道班 (Through CM Registration for RCIA for Children).
聯繫人 Contact Person: 許明淑 Mingshu Hsu – mshsu38@gmail.com

成人領洗 Adult Baptism: 十八歲及以上 18 Years Old and Older

需參加成人慕道班(RCIA) Must attend The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program.
聯繫人 Contact Person:
中文慕道班 Chinese RCIA: 汤明昭 tangmc06@gmail.com
英文慕道班 English RCIA: Tedmund Chan ~ tchan.sbg@gmail.com