

答:舉例來說, 聖心學校學生的學費,購買禮券(大華,永和)不能計入。

答: 每位教友都能要求神父給與神修和禮儀的服務。因此對於追思,感恩的彌撒奉獻都可視為捐款(我們團體從2014年開始)。但是您必須填妥“彌撒奉獻單”以方便財務組作業。

問:到底在網上捐款(Online donation)好或者每週開支票好?
答:當然網上捐款記錄較容易,也可以省了財務組的工作負擔。我們建議若是網上奉獻宜由銀行帳戶提取較佳, 若由個人信用卡支付,團體有額外 3-4% 的手續費。若方便每年或每半年開一張支票也是可行的好方法。

答:各工作小組 (禮儀組,慕道班,聖城通訊等等)於每年六七月間提出下年度支出明細表,由神父,牧民委員會及財務委員會通過,即成為團體預算。

答: 若該活動或新項目超過預算500元以內,可由神父核准。若超過該金額,就要由牧民和財務委員會核可。

答:請到網站上取得付款表格, 填妥後由負責小組長簽核,交由財務組出納。我們每月第一,三周彌撒後在小辦公室開支票, 儘快的將大家的墊款給付。若有預付定金等, 亦循同樣管道處理。

答:財務組分為收入(A/R), 支出(A/P),及財務報表(F/S)等三部門,各有專人負責。每年一,四,七,十月最後一個禮拜天彌撒前召開會議,審視上一季的財務情況並討論相關重要議題作成決議。

問:每年有的ADA (二月到四月),我們該怎麼捐獻呢?
答:這是支持教區的年度奉獻,主要用在行政支援,牧民工作,聖職人員培訓,平信徒培訓, 及照顧退休神長等等。今年我們的額度是$7,280,而超過額度的款項會退回給SJCCM使用。大家都會收到歐神父的中英文信件及捐款信封。


Q: Will we receive documentation of our contributions to SJCCM for tax purposes?
A: Yes. SJCCM will provide a letter at the end of each January summarizing your contributions for the prior calendar year.

Q: Which payments made to SJCCM are not eligible for a tax deduction?
A: Amounts paid to SJCCM for tuition (Sacred Heart School), purchases of gift certificates (Ranch 99, Marina), as well as any other amounts paid for which goods or services were received are not eligible for a tax deduction.

Q: What about amounts donated for Mass offerings?
A: Every parishioner can request Mass offering for any particular intention. Donations are entirely optional and are tax deductible if you complete the “Mass dedication form” and include it along with your donation.

Q: Is it better to donate online or via check each week?
A: Online donations are easier for SJCCM to administer as it reduces the workload for our volunteers. We would recommend that it be set up using a direct debit from your bank account each period, since SJCCM has to pay 4% of each credit card donation as a service fee. A semi-annual or annual donation via check is also very efficient.

Q: How do we determine SJCCM’s budgets?
A: In June and July of every year, each of SJCCM’s working groups proposes a budget for its activities for the upcoming year. The budgets are reviewed and approved by our priest, pastoral council, and finance council.

Q: What happens if expenses for a certain activity or line item exceeds budget?
A: If expense for a certain activity or line item exceeds budget by $500 or less, then it requires the approval of the priest. If the budget is exceeded by more than $500, the approval of the pastoral and finance council is required.

Q: What is the process for obtaining reimbursement of expenses from SJCCC?
A: You can obtain an expense reimbursement form from the SJCCM website. After you complete it, attach receipts documenting the expense (no receipt is necessary if you are obtaining payment for a deposit) and obtain the approval signature of the appropriate team/activity leader. The Finance team processes reimbursements after Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month (we are located in an office in the nun’s former residence at the corner of Washington St. and Lexington). Please bring completed forms there for reimbursement.

Q: How are SJCCM’s Finance operations administered?
A: The Finance team is comprised of three teams (Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Financial Statements). The teams meet on the last Sunday in January, April, July, and October to review finance performance and discuss issues regarding finance.

Q: How do we contribute to the ADA each year?
A: During February through April of each year, we have the ADA (Annual Diocesan Appeal). The funds raised as part of the ADA are used by our diocese for pastoral work, training of clergy and laity, care of retired clergy, as well as for the administration of the diocese. The 2014 ADA target for SJCCM is $7,280, and any amounts raised in excess of the target will be returned to SJCCM for general use. Father Olivera will provide everyone with a letter and donation envelope for the ADA.

Q: What about second collections?
A: Every year, the diocese will designate the purposes and dates of our second collections (typically once a month). Donations can be made to SJCCM, and we will forward the contributions to the designated groups.